White Paper – The Right B2B Tools for the Era of Digitalization

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The Right B2B Sales Tools for the Era of Digitalization: Addressing Common B2B E-Commerce Pain Points with SaaS Platform Solutions

B2B e-commerce is in the midst of its own digital revolution, with a staggering 90% of B2Bs transitioning to virtual sales models in 2020. But going remote isn’t enough. In order to compete and win in today’s evolving remote sales landscape, distributors, sales agencies, manufacturers, vendors, and resellers need to understand how to create the kinds of customer experiences today’s savvy and demanding B2B buyer craves. For many businesses, that will mean improving and in some cases reinventing their sales tool box with SaaS e-commerce platform solutions.

In this white paper you’ll learn:

  • What the modern B2B customer wants
  • How to address the 3 most common pain points in B2B eCommerce sales today
  • The technology you need to drive growth your B2B eCommerce business 

About Aleran

Aleran’s unified digital commerce platform is built to meet B2B buyer expectations so manufacturers can quickly, easily and efficiently accelerate and transform sales.

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